As I end the most brutal 6 months of my life, I am reflecting every minute I am awake. My head is so busy, jammed full of what has happened, what is still happening, and how I have felt throughout. I am thinking a lot about my family too. My husband and children. I am...
My Blog
I want to share my story. I want to journal my journey, to not only give me a place to document what is happening to me and it’s affects, but I want others, similar to me, to read this and know they’re not alone. Like you…
Halloween & Disney
A year ago today we flew to Disneyland. We are now in lockdown, I have now got breast cancer, I have had 7 cycles of chemo, I have lost my hair and my identity, and we, as a family are all flat today and spend moments of the day revisiting where we were at each part...
Although I am enjoying the half term break, I am also very aware that this week will trigger me. Firstly, it was on 27/10/19, I ran my hands over my torso in bed, on the Sunday morning, and felt the lump snuggled in the bottom left quadrant of my right breast. Today,...
Public view
It's half term. That means no college counselling and teaching to do for a week. I am desperate to take a step back from work life for a while. Not that I was doing my usual amount of work. I can't anymore. Which adds to my frustration at not being able to get...
Finding new friends
I have already shared with you the importance of being with positive people and people who you can rely on and trust. This will be the biggest asset you can have when you have treatment for cancer. I was warned at the beginning of all of this by someone who was well...
Anxiety & Depression – how to anti-think
I have been working a lot with these two issues this week. They are the best of friends and can be difficult to pull apart. You would have experienced one or both of these feelings at some point in your life. I have had both in different measures throughout my time...
Close to tears all day. The muscle pains tremor through me - wave after wave. In defiance I get my to do list an work my through it. A few tasks are scratched off quickly. Others migrate from week to week. I long to see the whole list scores through. The radio is on...
Sorry kids
Five weeks ago I wore a new pair of shoes. They were lovely. A bargain in the Next sale. They rubbed the top of my feet - I thought nothing of it. New show wear in. Today the sores that are there now resemble an upside down mushroom. My skin no longer heals itself...
The Stanley knife attack
The first thing I did when I woke up at 06:17 am was to look for the person who had a stanley knife and was slicing away at my spine. They must be here somewhere. I put the torch on, on my phone scanning the room for the culprit. I wanted to punch them in the face -...